Suanfarma Italia | A winning collaboration with Re-Cig

SUANFARMA Italia and Re-Cig, a winning combination, because SUANFARMA ITALIA believes in circular economy

SUANFARMA Italia has signed a collaboration contract with the Trentino start-up Re-Cig, a project that started with the installation of three new smokers points in the smoking area.

But who is #Re-Cig? Re-Cig is an innovative start-up that deals with circular economy.

Thanks to a patented process, it transforms used cigarette filters into reusable plastic material for the realization of new objects, but not only, their mission is also to spread and promote a new culture about the recycling and recovery of this pollutant waste.

SUANFARMA Italia, which has always been attentive and sensitive to issues related to environmental sustainability, has enthusiastically accepted to support and participate in this project, purchasing three smokers points, which since yesterday, are available at the smoking area.

The smokers points are made in compliance with current regulations and thanks to the patented process for the recycling of cigarette butts, a system for their purification and transformation has been created. The material obtained is a plastic polymer that allows its use in various sectors.

This collaboration is a further step forward a process of Green Economy where, to make the difference are the companies willing to invest with awareness and transparency in the protection of the environment as an indispensable asset for their activities.

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