This is how we have celebrated our new District Città della Quercia

Città della Quercia

In October 2020 our companies, CTE, Habitech Distretto Tecnologico, Società Cooperativa Punto d’Approdo, SUANFARMA Italia and Trentino Sviluppo, decided to unite their efforts in the establishment of the First Family Audit District of the city of Rovereto, to which we have given the name of Family Audit District Città della Quercia.

But what is a Family Audit District? The Family Audit Districts are a network of companies that have already obtained the Family Audit certification and that decide to collaborate with the aim of encouraging the establishment, maintenance and dissemination of inter-company services, in a context of #welfare territorial in order to promote the #wellbeing of #collaborators of all companies involved.

We want to be an example of #social responsibility and to do so we want to implement common actions on the theme of #family-work reconciliation, promoting the welfare of families.

Now we have decided to share this important step and to celebrate it by giving all our employees a package of pasta. A special pasta, born in our territory that hosts us, created by a beautiful #solidarity project of the cooperative Dal Barba of Villa Lagarina.

We wanted to focus our attention on our community, because to act on the territory concretely means to create opportunities for meeting, exchange, knowledge, sharing and dialogue able to involve the different territorial realities through proposals that can create the ideal conditions for the construction of positive relationships. #Sustainability, therefore, as an opportunity for growth.

But not only: with this choice we wanted to metaphorically illustrate the path of #cultural change that we want to bring in our companies and in our #daily life.

A new approach to see and manage situations: like the seed, which germinates and turns into dough; in the same way, with the birth of this project, we have decided to choose not only the company, but also the #people who make it up.

We do it with #awareness, believing in a common project and sharing the certainty that change depends on each of us.

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