SUANFARMA participated in the “M’illumino di meno 2021” initiative

Last March 26th we celebrated Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyle Day with the initiative “M’illumino di meno” launched by Caterpillar and Radio 2 in 2005.

This year’s edition was dedicated to the “Evolutionary Leap of the Species“, the ecological evolution that must absolutely happen so that we may emerge improved from the pandemic to tell of the small or large evolutionary leaps that we will take in our daily lives.

SUANFARMA Italy, together with the other companies of the Città della Quercia Family Audit District wanted to join the initiative, helping to make the city of Rovereto greener.

Each company in the District, in fact, has planted an oak tree near its headquarters, making a commitment to cultivate them with care. The initiative also symbolizes the growing collaboration between our companies. Moreover, the employees of the companies – about 500 people in total – have decided to participate in the Day individually, by performing voluntary actions in favor of environmental sustainability.

The tree with the word cloud shows the 10 actions that we will commit to promote in the near future.

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