SUANFARMA Italia renews ISO 50001 Certification

ISO 50001 certification energy

Recently, SUANFARMA Italia brilliantly passed the audit for the renewal of the ISO 50001 Energy Certification.

From a sustainability point of view, the ISO 50001 Certification is one of the most important certificates to demonstrate quality in terms of energy efficiency. Being compliant means adopting a well-defined energy strategy that includes an energy consumption analysis, the definition of objectives, milestones, programs and performance measurement.

It is required, in other words, to undertake concrete choices in the direction of a more prudent and far-sighted management of energy needs. In other words, it is necessary to make concrete choices towards more prudent and foresighted management of energy needs.

SUANFARMA Italy has decided to pursue a policy of environmental sustainability: in fact, the commitment it has undertaken is to reduce the environmental impact of its activities to a minimum, trying to offer solutions to ensure an increasingly responsible management of energy resources.

This confirms the strong and lasting commitment that our company has towards energy saving and rational management of energy consumption. A path of continuous improvement of performance that goes in the direction of an increasingly constant commitment to the rational use of energy in production processes.

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