SUANFARMA Group continues to invest in Rovereto


SUANFARMA continues to invest in Italy to achieve its mission of providing patients with high quality medicines at affordable prices.

In order to emphasize the strategic role of our plant in Rovereto, SUANFARMA Group has decided to devote significant investments for the coming years aimed at improving the capacity of research, development and production.

A few days ago, in fact, a new laboratory dedicated to Research & Development was opened, bringing with it a new hiring boost in the upcoming months for new jobs with highly qualified profiles, in order to strengthen our commitment to our stakeholders and the territory in which we operate.

This important investment will allow us to consolidate our position in the generic drugs market, continuing to meet the needs of all our customers.

In addition to strengthening our position at the forefront of technology, the new structure will also help to speed up the marketing process of our products, so that we can reach our customers even faster.

In addition, the dedicated know-how will allow us to develop a wide range of innovative solutions in order to strengthen our focus on an increasingly sustainable production.

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