Interview with Clelia Righi, Head of Planning & Demand in SUANFARMA Italia

What goes into the SUANFARMA Italia demand planning process? Find out in this interview with SUANFARMA Italia’s Head of Planning & Demand, Clelia Righi.

What does a Demand Planner do?

The Demand Planner must balance market demand for finished goods or demand forecasts with production capabilities by constantly monitoring all site activities and ensuring that they are carried out in such a way that a production plan can always follow and meet customer demands.

What are the differences between Demand Planning and Supply Planning?

We can say that the Demand Planning is more customer oriented and the creation of a macroplan based on market demands, while the Supply Planning declines everything in a detailed production plan going to analyze all the elements related to the product offer. In fact, Supply Planning has the task of bringing together supply and demand, trying to optimize the level of External Communications service and financial results, balancing demand, production capacity, available resources and stock levels; it is a great team effort that involves many business functions.

What role does technology play in Demand Planning?

Technology provides us with IT tools that can combine and process a large amount of data from different areas and perform complex analyses that allow us to identify the possibilities and critical issues of different scenarios. In addition, technology allows us to communicate quickly and effectively, facilitating a continuous review of available information. Keeping up to date is an essential element considering the speed of change that characterizes our days.

What are the indispensable skills in your job?

Those who carry out this work will certainly be facilitated if they are able to adopt an effective communication and have good relational skills and problem solving. You have to collect and put together all the information necessary to have a complete picture, interfacing with many different internal and external stakeholders, always trying to find a balance between the various needs and solutions that can be win-win.

Three words to describe SUANFARMA

“Ambition” because this group is highly motivated to grow “Perseverance” because we always maintain our desire to do and give our best “Competence” essential to create a quality product.

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