SUANFARMA Italy always at the forefront of sustainability

SUANFARMA Italy is always very focused and active on the sustainability front and with an eye towards continuous improvement is participating in the new Horizon Europe research project. This is the European Union’s framework program for research and innovation for the 2021-2027 period.

The project currently in place between SUANFARMA Italy, involved as a pilot site, FBK Fondazione Bruno Kessler, HIREF, a heat pump manufacturer and MIDAC, an energy storage manufacturer, involves a four-year collaboration and will see us involved in the design and optimization of industrial processes from an energy perspective.

The goal is to improve our flexibility to the public power grid by increasing energy efficiency and related recovery, increasing integration with renewable energy production and self-generation, while accelerating #digital transformation.
The expected results from the implementation of this innovative project concerns an improvement in sustainability, understood as energy efficiency, cooling water reduction, indirect CO2 reduction, medium-term energy cost reduction, and an increase in long-term energy reliability.

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