SUANFARMA Italia employees participate in confined spaces training

SUANFARMA Italia held confined spaces training, as part of its occupational safety and accident prevention efforts.

SUANFARMA Italia employees recently participated in confined spaces training, as part of our employee training program.

This important course provided participants with the knowledge and skills to operate and manage access in confined spaces, as well as identify the hazards associated with confined spaces in the industrial setting. Participants learned about safety norms and practical skills and precautions needed to safely work in confined locations. This initiative aims to prepare our team to safely and effectively do their jobs and react appropriately to emergency situations.

The safety of our collaborators is always our top priority, and training programs such as these are just one of the ways in which we strive to prevent job-related accidents, and empower the entire SUANFARMA Italia team to handle emergency situations safely and with confidence should the need arise.

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