A look back on the past year

SUANFARMA Italia looks back on the highlights of 2022.

It has been a busy year for SUANFARMA Italia as we continue to strive towards our mission of improving the well-being of others. We are thrilled to reflect on the significant achievements and milestones accomplished in 2022.

From our efforts to increase transparency and community engagement, via events such as our Patient Engagement Program to the continued focus on improving the sustainability of our operations as detailed in our Sustainability Report, we have stayed true to our commitment to striving towards a better future for all.

We were also proud to receive the Welfare Champion 2022 award in recognition of our ongoing welfare efforts. This award is a testament to our commitment to creating a positive and inclusive work environment for our collaborators, including opportunities for training and professional growth.

This year we also worked on several innovative projects, including the application of Artificial Intelligence for the improvement of our manufacturing processes, and an exciting project to reduce corporate waste in collaboration with students from the local Buonarotti Technical Institute. These kinds of partnerships allow us to connect with future generations, giving them a taste of possible careers in STEM, whilst they offer us a fresh new way of looking at problems to find possible solutions.

Here at SUANFARMA Italia, we are proud of the progress we have made and we look forward to another year of growth and progress.

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