The Arraigo Foundation contributes to the pantry of the most vulnerable by COVID-19

Fundación Arraigo

After the Covid-19 pandemic, many families have found themselves in an extremely difficult situation, losing their jobs and without resources to cover even their most basic needs.

For this reason, from the Arraigo Foundation and in close collaboration with LA CAIXA Foundation, we have considered undertaking a project that allows us to serve the greatest number of affected families. Under the name of “Arraigo contributes in the pantry of the most vulnerable by the Covid-19”, we have selected 50 families who will be given a redeemable voucher of € 50 per month for the purchase of food for 6 months, in a food establishment in the Villaverde neighborhood.

We would like to increase this number of families, since we are receiving many requests. For this we need collaboration. You can contact the Foundation at 682 244 821 or at the email [email protected]

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