Energy savings and Enviromental sustainability & innovation


SUANFARMA’s Industrial Division continues to work on energy saving strategies that represents a significant improvement in environmental sustainability with innovative measures, already implemented or in the pipeline for implementation, that will result in greater sustainability from an environmental point of view and lower energy bill costs. We have a clear commitment to efficient manufacturing plants. This will undoubtedly have a clear benefit for our customers and CDMO services, making us more competitive in our proposal to the market.

Among the measures already adopted, we have implemented energy-saving systems to optimise energy use, installed new, much more efficient equipment, and implemented corrective maintenance plans focused on energy savings, including the replacement of obsolete equipment.

For the future, solar panels will be installed in all our factories, as well as a trigeneration plant in our factory in Italy. The installation of solar panels will allow us to cover a very important percentage of our energy demand with a saving in CO2 emissions of 675Tn/year, a reduction equivalent to the effect of planting more than 17,000 trees.

The construction of a trigeneration plant will allow us to produce energy, steam and refrigeration, much more efficiently and at a lower cost. We also have projects focused on the construction of an anaerobic digestion plant that includes sludge drying and the production of electricity from biogas, and construction of an odour abatement plant.
All these projects will help in greater energy self-sufficiency and a significant reduction in emissions. It makes us more competitive and offer a lower cost to our customers

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