Interview with Carlo Calcinardi – CFO SUANFARMA Italia

1. What is your role in SUANFARMA Italia and what do you actually do?

I am the Chief Financial Officer of the company and, together with the Finance team, we support the CEO in strategic decisions and responses to stakeholders, we take care of planning and management control, coordinating financial activities and investments.

2. What best practices do you follow to ensure that your organization complies with all the standards imposed by the financial industry?

SUANFARMA Italia operates in a global market, addressing international stakeholders. It is necessary to have a long-term vision, the flexibility to update short-term objectives to respond to market changes, and to operate with clear, secure and shared processes. But the strong point is and always remains in the collaborators: preparation, collaboration and trust are the bases to face the challenges of the company.

3. List three adjectives that you think describe SUANFARMA Italia

Customer Oriented, reliable and a long term vision.

4. What advice would you give to those who want to pursue a career in finance?

In a company, Finance people are business partners for all sectors and departments. I’ve always liked the definition of Sparring Partner: you need to continually challenge the status quo and prepare the Business for the new challenges it is about to face. It’s important to be curious, proactive, bring ideas and introduce guidelines to support the Business in achieving our goals. My advice is to start in structured companies that allow for as varied and broad experiences as possible.

5. How digital transformation is impacting your business?

Digital transformation is an important tool of business management and allows you to respond more quickly and completely to the needs of an ever-changing market. My first job in a company was to move budget management from paper to digital. Those were the early days of using PCs in the enterprise. Today we face the challenges of AI (Artificial Intelligence), Big Data Management, relocated and smart work. SUANFARMA is investing heavily in the automation of processes, in the renewal and integration of systems, starting with ERP. In Finance we are investing in the implementation of centralized reporting and control processes, using project management and remote collaboration programs and they certainly won’t be the last.

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