Interview with Michele Creazzi – Energy & Opex Manager SUANFARMA Italia

What are the current priorities for an Energy & Opex Manager in the pharmaceutical sector? Michele Creazzi – Energy & Opex Manager SUANFARMA Italia tells us in this interview.

What are the goals of an Energy & Opex Manager?

In general terms, I would say that the goal is to stimulate and coordinate the process of continuous improvement within the organization.

The matter of energy – which can be seen as one of the areas of Operational Excellence action – deserves particular attention given its strategic economic and environmental importance both in the immediate future and in view of the future sustainability of our company. Both the culture of Operational Excellence and that of environmental and energy sustainability have been an integral part of SUANFARMA Italia for many years. It is essential for continuous improvement to be widespread at all levels, and a natural part of the daily way that each employee works.

What is meant by the conservation and rational use of energy?

Optimizing the consumption of energy resources for our production from both an environmental and an economic point of view.

In order to do this, it is necessary to work both on end-uses and on the level of energy supply and self-production. Energy-intensive production companies like ours are also required to play an increasingly active and integrated role with the national/European energy system and energy markets that are constantly evolving.

What are the main challenges and priorities of the moment for an Energy & Opex Manager in the pharmaceutical sector?

Stimulate, coordinate and prioritize Opex projects, ensuring that continuous improvement is consistent with the priorities and business plans of a fast growing reality like SUANFARMA.

From the energy point of view, the biggest challenge we will have to face in the immediate future is undoubtedly decarbonisation. In addition to continuing along the path already underway of progressive reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through improved energy efficiency, it will be necessary to identify a medium-long term strategy to achieve zero impact within the deadlines imposed by the European Union.

What improvement actions have been taken in SUANFARMA Italy in the last year?

During 2021, the main improvement projects completed at the Rovereto plant were the implementation of the recovery of ethanol used in the production of mycophenolate sodium and the implementation of the new sewage sludge drying system that is powered by waste heat recovered from thermal waste within the plant. Several cross-functional teams have worked and are continuously working on a number of various other projects: from maintenance to artificial intelligence applications.

Three words to describe SUANFARMA Italia

Professionalism, responsibility, collaboration.

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