SUANFARMA Italia continues its collaboration with @Re-Cig

In the fall of last year, @SUANFARMA Italia started a collaboration project with the Trentino start-up @Re-Cig, an innovative company, which deals with #circular #economy.

Thanks to a patented process, it transforms used cigarette filters into reusable plastic material for the creation and marketing of new objects, moreover, their goal is also to disseminate and promote a new culture surrounding the issues of #recycling and #recovery of this higly pollutant #waste.

The three smokers’ points installed in the company’s smoking area have made it possible to reach an important milestone in the collection of cigarette butts. Last week, in fact, we received the first certificate with a summary of the collections made in these first 10 months of #collaboration.

Since last October, 7,650 kg of cigarette butts have been collected, equal to about 25,500 cigarette filters.

These are important numbers that demonstrate how the transition to a circular economy is becoming more and more fundamental for the #protection of our #planet, without losing sight of the final objectives of SUANFARMA Italia, which go hand in hand with a model of #economic growth and #environmentally friendly #investments.

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