SUANFARMA Italia is among the companies selected for the Industrial AI Challenge

On September 24th the new Hub Innovazione Trentino program “Industrial AI Challenge” kicked off. It is an innovation challenge that sees students of the departments of Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Mathematics of the University of Trento and the Digital Industry Center of Fondazione Bruno Kessler working for over 2 months on problems and challenges of innovation and artificial intelligence.

This is an initiative of higher education and enhancement of Trentino research with the aim of encouraging the development of technology transfer activities and research-enterprise collaborations in a context of open-innovation.

The 9 selected companies will have the opportunity to discover and verify the benefits of artificial intelligence for the analysis and optimization of industrial production processes thanks to the involvement of nine groups of students who will perform advanced statistical analysis and applying Machine Learning techniques, will create predictive models based on data provided by the selected companies.

SUANFARMA Italia is among the selected companies and in these two months will develop a project to improve the yield in the process of Clavulanic Acid extraction. The goal is to obtain an improvement in yield with a target compared to the current process of + 5%, which corresponds to a saving in energy and raw materials costs of more than € 0.5 million per year.

Therefore, from September until next December, a group of students will challenge themselves in the analysis of large amounts of data and in the design of intelligent systems to try to improve our performance and support decision-making processes by promoting industrial innovation in our company. They will be accompanied in this path by Christian Marchi – Head of Engineering & Technical Services, Matteo Ottavian – Head of Manufacturing Operations, Marcello Zoppetti – Head of Process Automation and Nicola Cornella – Head of Downstream Operation.

On December 10, at the Department of Engineering and Information Science of the University of Trento, the final event will be held with the presentation of the results achieved and the awarding of the winning company.

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