SUANFARMA Italia is one of the companies in the Family Audit District of Città della Quercia

The Family Audit District of Città della Quercia born few days ago, thanks to the agreement signed between Autonomous Province of Trento, Trentino Sviluppo SpA, CTE SpA, Habitech Distretto Tecnologico Trentino, Punto d’Approdo Società Cooperativa Sociale and SUANFARMA Italia.

A network of companies to design shared quality services in order to promote work-family reconciliation and greater well-being of employees through corporate welfare.

This is the common goal that the member companies have set: sharing best practices and offering to the company’s employees useful services in order to reconcile work-life balance to encourage their satisfaction and productivity.

SUANFARMA Italia strongly supported this project, aware of the need to create spaces in which shared value is generated, placing a vision of well-being and mutual collaboration at the center. The goal, in fact, is not only to be responsible for social progress, but to be a leader for one’s human capital and for the territory that hosts us.

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