SUANFARMA Italia participated in the event “Job Opportunities” at the Technical Institute Buonarroti of Trento

Buonarroti job opportunities

Last week SUANFARMA Italia S.p.A. participated in the “Job Opportunities” event organized by Istituto Tecnico Buonarroti of Trento and during which we had the opportunity to hold interviews with students of the Chimica Materiali and Biotecnologie courses.

It was an opportunity for orientation that was greatly appreciated both by the students and by our company.

The outcome of this edition certainly positive and exciting and the students who participated considered it a useful educational experience. Promoting, in fact, the creation of stable relationships between school and business allows companies to more easily find the professionals they are looking for and reduces the gap between the school system and the world of work.

SUANFARMA Italia S.p.A. firmly believes in the value of such activities and for years has been committed to promoting in young people and schools a better knowledge of the industry and the territory, spreading interest in the scientific and technological culture.

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