SUANFARMA Italia promotes the diffusion of electric vehicles

electric charging station

SUANFARMA Italia has always been attentive to the issue of environmental sustainability, and now more than ever we are required to satisfy current needs without jeopordizing those of future generations. This includes a careful and efficient management of the planet’s available resources, but also a reduction of CO2 emission, in order to minimize the consequences of climate change.

Today, however, in order to declare itself sustainable, a company must demonstrate that it is sustainable in all its activities. Furthermore, the expectation is that companies themselves become the bearers of shared values along with their stakeholders, suppliers and collaborators.

SUANFARMA Italia has, therefore, decided to give a concrete signal of its commitment: in collaboration with Neogy, a company shared by Alperia and Gruppo Dolomiti Energia and an industry leader, we recently installed two quick electric charging stations, located at our Rovereto headquarters, each equipped with two charging sockets of up to 22kW, which can be used not only by all SUANFARMA Italia employees, but also by private citizens.

By recharging at these stations, users will have the certainty of using only renewable energy. A further demonstration of how SUANFARMA Italia is close to its territory and to the local community.

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