It is with pleasure that we inform you that our company has brilliantly passed the audit to verify its compliance with the Environmental Management System UNI ISO 14001 standard and the EMAS Regulation.

The audit process, which took place in recent weeks analyzed the water supply cycle and management in our processes. Likewise, the data that will be presented in the next update of the Environmental Statement have also been the subject of a scrupulous testing.

The auditor has repeatedly appreciated our commitment to the continuous reduction of the environmental impact of our production processes, which is achieved via a large number of improvement projects and substantial investments.

The result was extremely positive, and we maintained the certification and the validation of the Environmental Statement, without any non-compliance.

SUANFARMA Italia has always been attentive to the certification of its operating criteria and skills for the correct, reliable and transparent communication with all its stakeholders. The systematic application of the principles of territorial protection, the involvement of collaborators and the adoption of the most modern technologies in the field of environmental monitoring and protection are allowing our company to obtain significant savings in energy resources, raw materials and water resources, as well as to ensure a better working environment and constant compliance with current regulations.

Furthermore, thanks also to the maintenance of the EMAS Environmental Statement we are committed to promoting these projects for the continuous improvement of environmental performance, keeping an open dialogue with the territory and the community in which we operate.

Maintaining these certifications is further confirmation that the policy of strong environmental responsibility has an internationally recognized value and helps to highlight our commitment to environmental sustainability issues.

Once again, a strong thanks goes to all our colleagues who participated in the Audit in a professional and effective manner, and to all our staff for their constant and fruitful commitment in the HSE area, as well as to the staff of external companies.

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