It is with pleasure that we inform you that last week we brilliantly passed the inspection for the renewal of the ISO 50001 energy certification.

The ISO 50001 certification ensures that our organization has an intact Energy Management System, that reduces energy consumption and environmental impact, while increasing the company’s profitability. It therefore defines the requirements for management practices that are important for achieving better energy performance, demonstrating to all of our customers, stakeholders and collaborators that the efficient use of energy is a priority for our company and that its use is systematically managed.

The on-site inspection focused on many aspects: from energy supply, to self-production, to how it is used, with particular attention to all the improvements undertaken in the past year and those still in progress. For this reason, our Solvent Recovery department, which in recent months has been the object of significant initiatives undertaken in the energy sector, was particularly involved.

The outcome of the inspection is a further confirmation of our company’s significant and lasting commitment towards energy saving and rationalized consumption management.

A path of continuous improvement that goes in the direction of an ever more constant commitment to the rational use of energy in production processes.

The commitment made by SUANFARMA Italy, in fact, is to minimize the impact of activities on the environment, trying to offer solutions to ensure an increasingly responsible management of energy resources.

But the commitment to the attention to the use of energy sources and to the containment of waste must not be a company prerogative only: the attention to the rational use of energy and the relative reduction of waste has become a strategic objective from a social point of view and awareness of us individual citizens.

The reduction and correct management of waste, the appropriate use of household appliances, the intelligent management of lighting and heating or air conditioning, the rational use of means of transport, are all actions which, if implemented daily, they involve a reduction in energy waste, an increase in the efficiency of the energy system as a whole and above all a “saving” in terms of natural resources, the environment and even money.

Every citizen can work to save energy from current sources through the use of innovative technologies, but also by adopting small precautions in everyday life.

However, the commitment to achieve sustainable development does not mean giving up what you have, but rather avoiding waste.

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