SUANFARMA Italy in Confindustria Trento for over 50 years

SUANFARMA Italia in Confindustria Trento da oltre 50 anni

We recently spent an exciting afternoon at the Riva del Garda Congress Center.

During the Confindustria Trento General Assembly, which took place last October 14, our company was among those honored with an award for over half a century of association with Confindustria.

On stage our CEO, Gian Nicola Berti, who was visibly moved by this award, proudly underscored our company’s strong connection to Trentino, the territory which has seen it thrive for over 50 years.

In spite of its long history as part of major pharmaceutical multinationals until its recent acquisition by the Spanish Group, SUANFARMA Italia has always acted with the utmost transparency and in the spirit of communality with the local community, aware that the territory we work in is a strategic lever for the continuity of our business.

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