Corporate Social

We commit to the sustainable
reduction of our environmental impact.

    • At Suanfarma we are completely committed to sustainability and ethical responsibility to society, so we focus on the development and manufacture of products that ensure health, always under the premise of environmental protection.
    • Suanfarma promotes actions to reduce our environmental impact in all our work places.
    • We are committed to a rational and efficent use of resources. The participation of workers in environmental and resource management is encouraged through training and communications.
    • We believe in sustainable development that guarantees the balance between economic growth, environmental care and social welfare.

Green and renewable energy
sources for optimal efficiency:

Trigeneration plant

Photovoltaic panels

Committed to reducing
our energy consumption:

Innovative water reduction solutions

Sustainability and environmental protection

Revolutionary wastewater
treatment plant:

Sustainability and environmental protection

Sustainability Report

In this annual report, we present a summary of our operations and results. However, we wish to emphasize that beyond the numbers, of the values of ethics and transparency are the key pillars of SUANFARMA. These principles guide all our actions and decisions, and we consider it our responsibility to maintain high standars of commitment and conduct while promoting responsible business pratices.

Therefore, this report also reflects a declaration of our values and commitments. We sincerely, appreciate everyone who has been part of our journey this far, and we look forward to continuing to collaborate in building a more successful and enriching future for all.


In this annual report, we present a summary of our operations and results. However, we wish to emphasize that beyond the numbers, the values of ethics and transparency are the key pillars of Suanfarma. These principles guide all our actions and decisions, and we consider it our responsibility to maintain high standards of commitment and conduct while promoting responsible business practices.

Therefore, this report also reflects a declaration of our values and commitments. We sincerely appreciate everyone who has been part of our journey thus far, and we look forward to continuing to collaborate in building a more successful and enriching future for all.

Ethics Channel

Welcome to our Ethics Channel. Through this channel, you can report possible irregular conduct or potential illegal acts or those against the law or our corporate policies at Suanfarma, relevant to our entities.

We have designed, established, and managed our Ethics Channel securely to ensure the confidentiality of the identity of the informant, the person mentioned in the report, and the process of handling and processing the complaint, as well as the protection of personal data. Additionally, the system allows for anonymous reporting.

To learn about our Internal Information System, please review the following policies and procedures: Internal Information System Policy, Information Management Procedure, Privacy Policy.

Arraigo Foundation

At Suanfarma we are aware of our corporate social responsibility, so we have founded and are patrons of the Arraigo Foundation.


Training projects


Work projects


Families registered


People served


Different nationalities


Diplomas awarded

The Foundation was established with the aim of assisting migrants in Spain by providing them with adequate basic training and other necessary resources to access the labour market and facilitate their integration into the host country.